Thursday, October 31, 2019

Stereotypes and the ethics in representation

I have never been a fan of the use of stereotyping in comics even as a child.  I feel that anything that puts someone in an uncomfortable position strictly because of the race they are, gender, or anything else that is beyond someones control isn't right.

I don't think this kind of offensive stereotypical representation is at all necessary in video games, movies, etc.  It's a weak way to make a character in my opinion, as good and well-written characters have much more to them then a stereotypes.  Stereotypes also aren't that interesting, the shock value often being the only interesting thing about them.  In comics I can at least somewhat understand the use of stereotyping, so the characters that show up in one panel can be easily read. (Even if that stereotypical description is wrong)  I still think its a weak story telling tool regardless.

However, I do think it's important to hold onto these pieces of work as it shows a different time period and the effects of things like racism and sexism.

I know women are a common target for this type of stereotypical representation but I've never felt personally offended by it.   Usually I will watch whatever media is accountable and decide "Wow, they don't know what women are really like I guess" and move on.  I believe it doesn't deserve much attention if it is not well made.  This isn't to say that I think these past animations, comics, etc aren't well made, but if the character (For example a woman character) follows common stereotypes, offensive or not, I will write it off as a boring not-well written character.  Getting outraged by things like this, especially things from the distant past, is a waste of time.  However, critique is fair game.

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