I chose to read Lost World Tezuka Osamu. The story is about a detective named Ban Shunsaku who meets a boy names Shikishima Kenishi after discovering a murder. Shikishima may hold the key to solving the case. Soon a stone is discovered that allows them to build a rocket that heads for a mysterious planet. On this planet, the group finds The Lost World, an ancient place where dinosaurs roam.
The story, much like traditional Japanese comics tend to be, is very outside the box and unconventional. It's a welcome difference from Western media as it really does allow for more creative thinking and situations. For example, two characters names Ayame and Momiji are literally cabbages while another is a rabbit without much explanation. I dont consider this bad by any means as I think It adds to the comedy (But Im not sure if that comedy is intentional which could be seen as a bad thing.
The art-style also really caught my attention as it kind of reminded me of traditional Fliesher studios artwork in a way. It's a far-cry from how anime and manga look today, as most of it has a pretty specific style. Specifically I really like how the dinosaurs are drawn, because they are so expressive and fun to look at as they interact with each other and other characters. The characters themselves were also very appealing and interestingly drawn. Overall I really enjoyed reading this manga and hope to look into it again in the future.
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